I asked weakly, fearing I would be required to buy craft glue.
Amazingly, however, he came to his senses an hour or two later, sat up in his cot, and weakly asked for water.
Harry asked weakly, trying to make sense of things.
Taking another peek at the horrible thing, I asked weakly: 'How did you get such a big statue in here?
His wife asked weakly, "You mean to say that we're being driven backward?"
Cadderly asked weakly, but he needed no verbal answer to decipher the man's intent.
He was putting it on a little when he asked weakly for a second mugful.
After a long minute, he asked weakly, "And the other boy, the one who was born to you?"
Modra asked weakly, wondering if in fact she could wait until later to be sick.
"Captain," he asked weakly, "is there any reason we have to stay tied up?"