"One of the things we're fighting for is scholarships," said Eamon, an aspiring lawyer who at the age of 10 is already keen on Harvard.
Like any good aspiring lawyer, he compiled a 50-page book with the organization's bylaws and articles of incorporation.
Or the aspiring lawyer who went to interviews in tennis whites?
Building on a strong foundation and a rich tradition, ULC has transformed into a law college of choice for many aspiring lawyers.
Minerva was an aspiring lawyer who was extremely opposed to Trujillo's dictatorship since Trujillo had begun to make rude sexual advances towards her.
As an aspiring lawyer, he must not marry early, Jeremiah Gridley had warned.
As an aspiring lawyer Catesby initially progressed in the service of William, 1st Lord Hastings.
But they tried again, and Rubena, an aspiring lawyer who first visited when she was 6, turned out to be a perfect match.
A wide ranging knowledge of the world is essential for an aspiring lawyer so I read the papers every day to keep up with contemporary events.
A wide ranging knowledge of the world is essential for an aspiring lawyer.