Then, prior to the 08:30 landings, she fired on enemy observation posts in the assault area.
On the 15th, she arrived in the assault area and took up station in the transport screen.
This way they could make a positive contribution to the battle after landing in the assault areas.
However, they would only remain in the assault area until their recovery.
On 3 January 1945, she was once again en route to an assault area.
For during the final days of the fourth week, each captain was to travel to Rome and personally survey the assault area.
Cook's men, who had not seen the actual assault area as yet, had taken the briefing in their stride.
There are five different precinct assault areas with 10 difficulty settings (for single player).
There were an estimated 30,000 enemy troops in the assault area and another 200,000 within a few days march.
The destroyer was not long out of the fray, however, returning 8 June 1944 to screen the assault area.