On 8 February, additional simulated assault landings were made.
The squadron provided tactical airlift to Army troops, their equipment, and supplies for assault landings.
This was to be the first of three amphibious assault landings conducted by 231st Brigade during the war.
Join the Allies as they build up to and execute the largest assault landings ever undertaken in the course of human history.
Now they were to use that experience to spearhead the assault landings on D-Day.
Tennessee stood by off Peleliu during the morning of 15 September in case her guns should be needed to assist the assault landing.
He participated in four assault landings and became the division's chief of staff.
The 309th trained to airlift troops, equipment, and supplies for assault landings.
Now that an assault landing was imminent, third and fourth platoons of A Company were quiet, each man alone with his thoughts.
Plans called for the division to take part in the invasion of Japan and exercises for the assault landings were undertaken.