The first assertion simply ignores the magnitude of Government's role in helping the needy; the second idealizes the 19th century to the point of distorting the facts.
His assertion, though, that one needs "to be compliant in some very specific behaviors to be at risk" of H.I.V. transmission ignores millions of survivors of sexual violence and coercion who are living, and dying, with the disease.
Setting aside the question of exactly how rocky a transition the team had hoped for, the assertion that services are now working normally ignores the howls continuously being protested at Apple's Discussions.
This assertion ignores the lessons of history.
Mr Icahn's assertions ignore this clear factual record," the statement added.
That assertion ignores the fact that, by codifying the disparate-impact provision in 1991, Congress has expressly prohibited both types of discrimination, and would render a statutory provision "a dead letter".
"The assertions about [the] 'occupation' by the Soviet Union and the related claims ignore all legal, historical and political realities, and are therefore utterly groundless."
His assertion that "the Presidency has become, by all past standards, a relatively unimportant job" ignores the place of leadership in our political and social systems.
Your assertion that the "backloaded" option pushes the cost into the future ignores that those choosing the $2,000 deduction up front will pay taxes when they withdraw.