Having an assertive manner in group discussions can make others feel as though one is dominating a discussion within the group.
Magnetic brown eyes looked out on the world with complete assurance, while his deep voice and assertive manner were those of a born leader.
Several weeks later, the lawyer called again, with a more assertive manner, to say he'd shaved off his fringe.
Readers will learn a variety of proven techniques for conveying negative messages in a clear and assertive manner, but without antagonistic and destructive language.
Doctors don't like confrontation any more than patients do; they may give in to a patient's request if it is made in an assertive manner.
Usually Penelope runs away from him anyway because of his putrid odor or because of his overly assertive manner.
His defenders say his assertive manner would serve him well in confronting critics of the United States at the United Nations.
Jack and his mother had the same assertive manner, good looks, and inverted smile.
He tried to keep his voice neutral, to dampen his naturally assertive manner --a manner this environment had done nothing but reinforce.