One intriguing sidelight to the national assessment scores is that the greatest progress apparently has been made in public schools.
The peer assessment score was 3.0 on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (distinguished).
The second day of the process is the interpretation of the assessment scores providing delegates with a development 'road map' for their ongoing development.
In studies of intelligence, Q factor analysis can generate Consensus based assessment (CBA) scores as direct measures.
The university was ranked sixty-third based on average assessment scores.
Had the school not closed, it could have faced state intervention, including a possible takeover, if assessment scores did not improve.
CPL ranks the candidates according to their assessment scores and promotes at most 100 instances and 5 patterns for each predicate.
We need to have a more comprehensive approach, where we balance standardized assessment scores with performance-based assessment and where we look beyond students just reaching a particular standard.
Shepherd's peer assessment score increased this year to 3.11, up from 3.0 in 2008 and 2.9 in 2007.
A factor analysis model in which the variances and correlations, rather than assessment scores, are modeled.