General Motors, the fourth largest multinational corporation in terms of foreign asset ownership only ranked 83rd (30.7%) on the TNI top 100.
All around the world, diverse writers are trying to spread the benefits of asset ownership.
Detailed demographic, economic, time use, labor force participation, asset ownership, and expenditure data were obtained.
We feel more urgently the importance of extending the benefits of personal asset ownership.
Having decided that inequality of asset ownership was the key culprit in capitalist inequality, Roemer, under Cohen's influence, began reading philosophical work on equality.
When a bad bank has gone through its credit work-out process, the remains of the bad bank is often asset ownership.
This financial independence has also been increased by the extension of asset ownership among elderly people.
Differences in lifetime economic and employment status are carried over into retirement through private asset ownership, and these differences have possibly not diminished significantly.
They argued that the use of high-intensity performance incentives would be complementary to placing relatively few restrictions on workers and decentralizing asset ownership.
Finally, Democrats can turn the right's worship of wealth to better ends by promoting asset ownership.