Two other working groups were set up to promote coordination of activities related to technical assistance and asset recovery, respectively.
Both large and small organizations practice asset recovery at some level with the end goal of obtaining the greatest possible return from the asset.
Certain cases involving asset recovery have seen difficulties emerge during the repatriation stage.
However, satisfying conditions for international asset recovery using criminal convictions remains problematic.
Several organizations have taken steps to address the lack of easily accessible, comprehensive and practical information on international asset recovery.
Lack of political will has been identified repeatedly as one of the stumbling blocks to effective international asset recovery.
There are many examples of cases where international asset recovery would have been possible, if there had been political will.
Lanier's firm specializes in civil trial work, for cases ranging from personal injuries to corporate disputes and asset recovery.
It represents regional consensus on what African states should do in the areas of prevention, criminalization, international cooperation and asset recovery.
He is also its director of asset recovery for North and South America.