It contains many other features from earlier ages which have been wiped away in most country-house gardens: like the house, the garden has not been assiduously kept up-to-date with changing fashions over the centuries.
The sound undammed all the panic she'd so assiduously kept from herself.
Until Margaret Thatcher's election victory in 1979, he was an unknown retired oil company executive who had assiduously kept himself in the background.
He had assiduously kept to his promise, but the faint glow under the door was plainly visible.
They took to the streets and clubs in Prada clothes the likes of which the New York fashion critics are assiduously kept unaware.
For the younger woman, these days of high visibility are a notable break from the profile she had assiduously kept low.
The Harper Hall has assiduously kept accounts," the Harper said eagerly, "though the oldest of them have become illegible over the hundreds of Turns which have passed.
The gladioli were staked in gaudy ranks and the sweet peas had been assiduously kept in bloom for a month to provide the maximum quantity of flowers for the house.
There had been hints, but Laurie had assiduously kept herself from acknowledging any of them.
The boarded floor was white with dust which, so assiduously kept from the carvings, had no alternative resting place and had collected deep and ash-like, accumulating especially in the four corners of the hall.