Loanwords are generally assigned masculine gender by default unless they end in a schwa, in which case they are usually feminine.
In addition, German assigns gender to nouns without natural gender, in an arbitrary fashion.
Lakotah prayers refer to him as Grandfather; however, not all Nations assign gender, or only one gender, to the Great Mystery.
In a language like English, which does not assign grammatical gender to nouns, the pronoun used for referring to objects (it) is normally used for animals also.
These words are assigned grammatical gender in Romanian and handled according to Romanian rules; thus "the manager" is "managerul".
English speakers do indeed find it natural, and complain mightily about the bizarre foreign habit of assigning gender to anything from a turnip to a sideboard.
However, Catalan assigns gender to nouns without natural gender in arbitrary fashion.
The French, who assign gender to words, are in lockstep with us on the masculinity issue.
I have listened too much to Barton-and I suppose it is natural to assign gender in terms of size.