An ice growth model can be combined with remote sensing measurements in an assimilation model as a means of generating more accurate ice charts.
The segmented assimilation model notes that there can exist a "consciously pluralistic society in which a variety of subcultures and racial and ethnic identities coexist"
Based on Stiles' assimilation model, "Osatuke et al", describes a method that enables the researcher to compare what is said by a client (verbal content) and how it is said (speech sounds).
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) founded additional boarding schools based on the assimilation model of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School.
This old model is termed the standard spatial assimilation model.
The spatial assimilation model posits that as immigrants would live within this country's borders, they would simultaneously become more comfortable in their new surroundings, their socioeconomic status would rise, and their ability to speak English would increase.
Ethnicity theory was based on the assimilation model.
The first, classic and new assimilation model sees immigrants and native-born people following a "straight-line" or a convergence.
Velocity fields can be determined by measurement, e.g. from weather balloons, from numerical models or especially from a combination of the two, e.g. assimilation models.