During this period he assisted John A. Lee, President of the Labour Party, in his attempt to enter parliament.
"Analogies of this kind are only intended to assist us in our attempt to make the complications of mental functioning intelligible."
Navies have the unique ability of moving army units quickly around the map to assist you in your attempt at global domination.
Walker appeared again in January 2005, when her character assisted Babe Carey Chandler and Jamie Martin, in their attempt to flee from Adam's wrath.
"It has taken more than five decades, but the electronic computer is now powerful enough to simulate evolution," assisting bioinformatics in its attempt to solve biological problems.
Anne of Austria had even ventured to send many of the gentlemen of Auvergne and Touraine to Lyons to assist in their last attempt.
His company worked with Mode Warp in developing the Neuronoids, and he actively assists in their attempt to eliminate Algernon.
He hoped to use the Portuguese to assist in his attempt to rebuild royal authority in other parts of Kongo.
I didn't know whether he meant to get his father-in-law off Barlow, or assist him in his attempt to murder the man.
Warlock later assists in Thanos' attempt at redeeming himself.