Her whirl through time involved her assisting in the battle against the villain Extant.
Thus laden, they were too late to assist in the battle, and joined Greene's army on its retreat from the battlefield.
With their help, she assists Batman and his allies in the battle against Dark Khan.
However, a rebel spokesman confirmed the previous day that the rebels had sent two helicopters from Tobruk to assist in the battle for the city.
"Now that the most urgent tasks are done, I wish to reiterate my desire to assist in the coming battle."
Those left behind were Shadamehr's people and the tavern's owner, trying gamely to assist in the battle.
He assists in the battle against the terrorist Tyler Wingfiled.
So that Delta can assist in the upcoming battle, he needs to be implanted in one of the two soldiers.
Carmen also assists in the battle with her expertise as a martial artist.
Barney also ordered that his port-side guns be turned around to the starboard so they could assist in the battle.