All the candidates, no matter what their previous callings, were bound by a common desire to assist sexually crippled men in becoming fully normal males.
The Order also has eleven separate funds totaling $18 million to assist men and women who are discerning religious vocations pay tuition and other expenses.
Upon retirement, Carter started a non-profit organization to assist young men and women from making the same mistakes that he made.
The programs of the Salvation Army are designed to assist women, children, elderly men, families, and those who are battling drug addictions.
Steve Ralston is an excellent midfielder and one of the top assist men in the league.
And for now, Pack seems content to be a quiet leader among the league's best assist men.
It is setting up outside department stores and using merchandise displays and an interactive computer to assist men with their wardrobe problems.
Does he think that a book intended to assist men in custody cases can hurt him with prospective female clients?
Our program also attempts to assist men in permanently getting out of the shelter system.