We will make certain you get away safely, then perhaps together we can do something to assist your friends.
It is possible that some Eschatologically aware government agencies may assist the Eschaton's secret friends, if they are aware of their presence.
The horde appears occasionally to assist Lenore and her friends against their enemies.
Jinx rose with her, and together they waited to assist their clawless friends.
Our primary objective is to assist our friends from the Fleet... Roughnecks boo.
He comes along on the journey to find the Charlotte, using his computer expertise to assist his friends.
Meanwhile, the force under Hastein set out to march up the Thames Valley, possibly with the idea of assisting their friends in the west.
The individuals in this group began to assist their Jewish friends as early as 1933.
"Perhaps there is something we can do to assist our American friends," Yuri said to the other Ukrainian.
Regardless, she does her best to assist her friends when necessary.