Your business can assist schools and colleges to develop their pupils' enterprise and employability skills in a number of ways.
Efforts to assist urban schools have not been helped by the current budget crisis.
The company sponsors charitable events, provides annual college scholarships, senior meals programs, and assists local elementary schools with educational materials.
Companies often assist cash-strapped schools with resources but sometimes conduct market research in the process, he said.
Though the new federal law calls for up to $18 billion to assist schools this year, the president has budgeted $12 billion.
The article, regrettably, does overlook aspects of travel which might assist schools, parents and students in their drive to reduce costs and raise money.
Justice for Schools is the Department of Justice's program to assist schools in building computer infrastructure.
Businesses are increasingly assisting local schools and colleges with the provision of education and services to young people.
Other educational consultants work to assist high schools and other organizations with educational program planning.
For example, it recommended assisting "elementary and secondary schools in teaching about North America."