President James Madison, fearing bankruptcy, sought the assistance of his friend, James Barbour.
This was the kingdom where he ruled with the assistance of his friend, Hanuman.
I did so with the unwitting assistance of my friend Peter Smith.
It profits from the financial assistance of his friend Mazarin.
Back to the story at hand, our young hero found himself escaping from the boskone battleships with the assistance of his friend Van Buskirk.
Instead, with the assistance of his friend, John S. Vosburg, helped finance several mines.
Jazz for Jerks was recorded in early 1993 with the assistance of the band's friend and longtime collaborative producer, David Castell.
With the assistance of his friend Coles Bashford, the judge consulted with local residents and explored the laws of several states.
If you do not need, as opposed to merely want, the assistance of your empathic friend, say so.
With this draft plane he tried to carry out first flight tests with the assistance of his friend.