The cost to migrants of the assisted passage was increased to £75 in 1973.
Assisted migrants were generally obliged to remain in Australia for two years after arrival, or alternatively refund the cost of their assisted passage.
First, Italians and Greeks came, many on assisted passages paid for by an Australian government anxious to fill out the sparse population.
United Kingdom - free or assisted passages.
The British Government are helping with the assisted passages.
He was not a wealthy man, and did not qualify for assisted passage, so it took some time before they emigrated.
To encourage those to come, the government introduced free and assisted passages in 1947, a schema expanded by the National Party administration in 1950.
British and European migrants were given assisted passage to Australia - only having to pay ten pounds, with the balance paid by the Federal Government.
'Er, I had an assisted passage,' he said.
In the 1830s a programme of assisted passages to Australia from the Sleat peninsula was organised.