The group is charged with masquerading as a nonprofit church that persuaded people to become "associate ministers" by making weekly "donations" to the organization.
In May 2011 he was made associate minister for the environment.
In 1824, he "became associate minister of King's Chapel."
I ordered the base commander to fire them off, of course," Luo told his associate minister, in a voice that was both defiant and defensive.
The bridegroom, 29, is the associate minister of Westminster Presbyterian.
His father retired as an associate minister at the Rye Presbyterian Church.
He later became an associate minister, and remained a member of Parliament until 2008, when he was defeated in the general election.
In May 2011 he was made associate minister of agriculture.
He was also made the associate minister for Social Development and Employment.
In May 2011 he was made associate minister of finance and internal affairs.