An associate named John Ludy, for example, was hired to maintain records for Pittsburgh Food through a company he controlled called Laurel Computer Services, court records say.
She gained the Cavalier as her bodyguard and has, along with Barbara Gordon, begun helping a former associate of the Teen Titans named Wendy Harris deal with the loss of the use of her legs.
According to the document, associates of Mr. bin Laden had named "the date for action as on or around 11 September."
Craig himself stated that he was not counsel for Oswald, and official records do not indicate that Craig or his associates named, cross-examined or interviewed witnesses of their own.
The document says that known associates of Mr. bin Laden named "the date for action as on or around 11 September."
Cooper, Frankhouser and an associate of Frankhouser named Forrest Lee Fick later made allegations about LaRouche.
His fourth murder, according to Hill, occurred when DeSimone and another associate named Stanley Diamond got carried away after being asked to "rough up" a witness to a robbery.
The three associates named the station Benwest, after the surnames of the owners.
In 1679, based on these concepts, an associate of Boyle's named Denis Papin built a steam digester, which was a closed vessel with a tightly fitting lid that confined steam until a high pressure was generated.
His associates named many others.