The disease is associated with an abnormal immune response, but what triggers this response is uncertain.
Higher doses were associated with a greater response to treatment.
Major depression is one of the few conditions associated with a heightened response to the TSST.
This would be in contrast to the increased blood flow normally associated with an inflammatory response, as has been observed in ulcerative proctitis.
A particular subset of genes whose expression appeared to be associated with a clinical response was noted.
Atrial fibrillation is not, by itself, a tachycardia, but meets the definition when associated with a ventricular response greater than 100 beats per minute.
CCDC78 has also been associated with an immune response to Hepatitis B.
Greater activation in the left prefrontal cortex was associated with a stronger immune response.
Endotoxin-induced tissue injury is associated with an inflammatory response and an accumulation of phagocytes at sites of damage.
Daily hand-feeding of ducks and geese is normally associated with a positive response by the animals towards the person feeding them.