It involves evaluating potential risks associated with processes, structures, equipment, and tools.
They are associated with oblique cellular structures visible in the bone of the upper and lower jaws, the nature of which has not been determined.
Scientific Structures - There are 3 symbols associated with scientific structures.
He rightly points out that the subject of the active clause must preserve the impersonality we normally associate with passive structures in many European languages.
The external surface of tegument is associated with unique defining structures in cestodes and trematodes.
Since it is often associated with surface-produced sedimentary structures, it may have been produced by one of the earliest animals to move about on land.
Two fundamentally different buoyancy mechanisms associated with dermal structures have been proposed.
Black marlin in Mexican waters, as in most other parts of their range, tend to associate with reefs, banks and similar offshore structures.
They observed that specific isoforms were associated with distinct cellular structures.
Generally the role of sphinxes is associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples.