He would go on to become associated with the 'liberal' wing of the party that helped to secure the leadership for Giorgio Almirante.
The partner of influential unionist Kevin Reynolds, she was associated with the conservative wing of the party.
Martin is associated with the right wing of the Labour Party, and a social conservative on matters such as abortion and homosexuality.
It focused on a variety of issues, most prominently gun rights, and was associated with the right wing.
Released before the end of the decade, Grogan became increasingly associated with the conservative wing of the movement.
She is associated with the liberal wing of the court.
Government support for an established religion was associated with the original French "right wing."
While this political use is generally associated with the left wing, European activists have also worn the keffiyeh.
He was also associated with the Cultural wing of communist Party of Kashmir during his student days.
Cecil associated himself with the non-coalition wing of the Conservative Party, at some point in the 1918-1922 Parliament.