This increase in large group studies is associated with about a 50% fall in articles by one to three authors (data not shown).
This enhancement is thought to be associated with the extraction of additional information about the stimuli in the attended ear.
The salaries for full-time workers who maintain the pumps, electricity, chemicals and other costs associated with the reservoir total about $700,000 a year.
For solids, the thermal energy is associated primarily with the vibrations of its atoms or molecules about their equilibrium position.
Munchak said this morning that he's never talked to anyone on the panel, or anyone associated with the school, about their coaching situation.
It is also associated with feelings of loss of control about eating.
Besides, socialism was, in my mind at least, associated with the sharing of resources and pleasures, rather than about Byzantine state bureaucracies.
Consequently, this historical period could be associated with the interval between 13,000 and about 9,500-9,000 BP.
More frequent religious attendance is associated with about a 40% decrease in the expected number of gambling problems in Catholics.
Forget meat and dairy: The typical Western diet, the doctors say, is associated with just about every known ill.