The associated increase in the Debye length must be taken into account when considering ion non-saturation due to sheath effects.
The associated increase in the system's capacity, combined with a thinning of service frequencies, should enable the reduction of the fleet by five units.
For this reason there is an associated increase in risk compared to repo.
He said: "Smart phone use is increasing at a rapid rate and we are likely to see an associated increase in stress from social networking.
The 1940s brought World War II, and its associated increase in freight traffic.
The smaller particles meant better resolution and shorter run times; there was also an associated increase in backpressure.
Therefore, we support the conversion of Europol into an agency, with the associated increase in budgetary control.
An increase in social awareness is needed, with an associated increase in the number of disinterested donors.
The approaching winter and the associated increase in gas consumption mean that we have to develop principles which should govern the European energy market.
"If there is an associated increase in asthma, heart attacks or post-traumatic stress, you need large numbers of people in different categories to see it."