Recall that the association asserted a "glut" of doctors and advocated reforms to remedy this artificial crisis.
The associations assert this strategy also leads to higher-spending customers, for which they can charge the merchants higher fees.
Headteachers are increasingly adroit in public relations and can easily con parents and governors who have very little power to sack staff, especially headteachers, despite what the professional associations assert.
The association also asserted that those who test positive for HIV should either stop performing invasive procedures or tell patients, who can then make informed decisions.
Nationally, the association asserts, it has won 84 percent of the 10,000 races in which it participated, roughly the same as the 82 percent it claimed in 1992.
A Broader Recommendation For several years the medical association asserted that all employers should be required to provide health benefits to employees.
The association asserts that the rankings resulted from the city's entering incorrect data into its computers.
Citing the representatives' participation, the association asserts it speaks to and for 90 percent of the medical profession.
In its suit, the building contractors' association asserts that by placing unreasonable restrictions on developers, the laws represent an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation.
In the two months since the Littleton shootings, the 127-year-old association asserts that its membership has grown by tens of thousands and that its contributions have sharply increased.