But two years ago the Bishops' Conference created an association called "Beliefs and Liberties."
The ka-asawahan or households units are further grouped into larger associations called bulun-bulun, which literally means "gathering".
An association called Pro Vattaja was founded to campaign for the area to be saved for civil use.
There are three such associations of priests, and one of women, called oblates.
The director of client services for the association called Coffin's case "a blot on the criminal justice system."
The highest philosophical interest, as distinguished from that which is more strictly psychological, attaches to the mode of mental association called Inseparable.
This was initiated bottom-up by an association called (More Democracy).
The association called for the standard of advice offered to be monitored by the industry watchdogs.
In 1999, an association called Dynasty was founded.
Males with overlapping activity spaces form associations called 'coteries', usually consisting of 10 to 25 birds.