The association cited her "pioneering efforts" to promote the nurse practitioner movement and the nurses' role in delivering primary care.
But the research the association cites to support its contentions shows how statistics can often be misleading if they present only part of the story.
The association cites record high interest rates that were followed by high unemployment and slow income growth among younger households.
At the same time, the association, in a report released yesterday, cited two trends that it called encouraging.
The association cited the safety of its members and the detention two weeks ago of 11 critics of the Government as the reasons for the cancellation.
The association cited that study in adopting its new policy.
The association cited the war in the Persian Gulf as the cause of its decision not to participate.
While not criticizing its academic programs, the association cited its deep debt and refused to give Alliance accreditation for more than one year at a time.
The association cited early starting dates for school and the rising price of gas as reasons for the slow growth.
The association cited a financing squeeze for its decision, in addition to telemarking's failure over the years to gain Olympic status.