Known by the acronym SCAHA, the association was formed in 1974 and officially lists 23 member hockey clubs.
However, the association doesn't list its members.
The association lists 75 members in northern New Jersey, about 50 each in southern Connecticut, Long Island and Westchester and 200 in the five boroughs of New York.
The association lists 1,250 dues-paying households and 50 businesses ($25 per household, $35 to $100 for businesses), which adds up to more than 4,000 people, a remarkably large share of the approximately 19,000 Heights residents.
The consultants' association now lists more than 365, more than double the total of a decade ago, said Mark Sklarow, its executive director, who added that there were probably hundreds more who are not listed with the association.
Additionally, the association lists the brands and companies which are marketing partners with the ECA on their website.
However the association doesn't list these members or provide any details of projects.
The association listed 47 items that were up in price, up from 40 items in the September survey.
The associations of both Brazil and Italy, on the other hand, listed their national sides' matches against Team America as full internationals.