The association is moving from the World Trade Center, where it is crammed into half as much space.
When the association moved to smaller headquarters in Chinatown, it abandoned some of its old costumes, including this one, which the museum rescued.
The local Conservative association quickly moved to select a new candidate to replace him for the 1997 general election.
Her association with Feist has moved sales of her own books up several notches, and this will one to watch.
Instead of conventional storytelling, juxtaposition and association move the narrative forward.
The association, which has 8,000 members, moved to temporary headquarters in Tarrytown from Manhattan two years ago.
In doing so, the association moved past its mainly community health center roots and allowed other providers as segments of its membership.
Last summer, the development's association moved successfully to ban the very vehicles that made Ford rich.
He cautioned, though, that associations often move slowly.
In the mid-1970s, the association moved its headquarters to Birmingham, Alabama.