Songs from the Black Mountain Music Project is a collaboration between Mirah and Ginger Brooks Takahashi with assorted guests.
The assorted guests made their ways to the glade where the wedding was scheduled.
(The photos of him, Ms. Bell and assorted guests quaffing Champagne from that wide-bodied bubble-dissipating glass will go right to your head.)
The Long Beach Grand Prix has been announced since 1978 by Bruce Flanders (and his assorted guest announcers).
While there is nothing exceptional about Uncle Dai's, it serves acceptable Chinese fare at prices that make it possible to feed the family and even assorted guests for modest cost.
Listeners can watch the DJs and assorted guests through very large windows.
The food is described by assorted guests, from several administrations, as not anything that would find its way into Gourmet magazine.
It's Baby Macaroni, which features the other three members of the stalwart, rowdy, goodtimey band and assorted guests, and is likely to bring out their swinging rockabilly side.
Mr. Pollini's five-concert collaboration with the Arnold Schoenberg Choir and assorted guests has been particularly ambitious.
She hadn't been able to pick him out among the oddly assorted guests, though she had met each of the dozen men time and again, at Blenmore's insistence.