Underlying assumptions include that an individual will cognitively process the existence of uncertainty and take steps to reduce it.
The underlying assumptions include that humans weigh out rewards versus costs when developing a relationship.
These assumptions included the belief that liberation can be achieved through knowledge of the self.
The assumptions that SET makes about human nature include the following:
The scientists' assumptions included the idea that the long life of a red dwarf allows for evolution to fine tune any ecosystem on the planet.
Some common ideological assumptions, both historical and modern, include:
With incinerators, those assumptions often include breathing heavily 24 hours a day for 70 years at the spot where the greatest emissions fall.
For buyers, the assumptions included: A down payment of 20 percent of a house's value.
Based on intelligence available early in 1945, their assumptions included the following:
Other common assumptions include market prices following a random walk or asset returns being normally distributed.