Exactly what assurances James gave Percy are unknown.
Such assurances gave little comfort to shaken workers in the office buildings nearby.
It is not exactly clear what assurances Mr. Baker gave the Israelis about the nature of the peace conference.
"Your assurance that you have not forgotten gives me comfort."
But this one assurance that I ask you will not give.
But the assurance that she had regained her proper time gave her little relief.
Many Americans are surprised at the speed with which assurances that immense federal surpluses were here to stay gave way to the reality of deficits.
These spontaneous assurances of their fullest support recall to me the generous, self-sacrificing help given by them in the past to the mother country.
Such assurances gave small comfort to the Valeman and the Elven girl, who were scared enough as it was.
Some assurance he should give, but he didn't know what it was.