But he indicated that further investments would be carefully scrutinized to assure continued control by the American carrier.
He cut back on the power, maintaining just enough forward motion to assure control, and pointed off into the darkness.
Leninism, on the other hand, is a system aimed at the complete organization of political power, which thereby assures control of everything else, including the economy.
One was to assure control of the margins of society.
Hugh Graham was able to run his newspaper's competitors out of business, thus assuring control of the English-language market.
Mr. Foley's efforts to minimize damage are part of a strategy to assure continued Democratic control over the House.
That is the number needed to assure control of the 61-member body.
And some Democrats have charged that the plan virtually assures continued Republican control of county government.
The best way to assure lasting arms control is to negotiate regionwide reductions of chemical, biological and nuclear arms.
The procedures of the conference have been designed to assure decorum and control.