Arad Hospital is run by 120 well-attending staff personnel in various fields of medicine which assure patients with all types of diagnostic and therapeutic problems.
The President's prudent proposal, recommended by his commission on managed care, would assure patients that reasonable trips to hospital emergency rooms would be covered.
The hospital has assured patients that they will maintain their ranking on the regional transplant waiting list.
AdvaMed advocates for a legal, regulatory and economic climate that advances global health care by assuring patients can have access to the benefits of medical technology.
Thus there will always be an important role for government to set ground rules that assure patients that their interests are protected.
Permitting insurance companies to fire doctors "without cause" will not assure patients that their doctors are excellent.
During the campaign, he had to assure anxious patients that they would not lose his services if he were elected.
After all, health plans ought to be in position to assure patients that their doctors are excellent - and not just innocent of serious miscues.
Through its continued affiliation with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jacobi assures patients of care protocols which are based on the latest advances in medical knowledge and clinical training.
New and pending laws assure patients quick and easy access to specialists, for example, allow them more time in hospitals after surgery and prohibit organizations from offering doctors financial incentives to limit the care.