He only played 13 professional seasons due to the asthmatic condition he was suffering from.
I suffer from an asthmatic condition, which is aggravated by smoke.
Bobby Kimmel moved to Tucson as a child for his asthmatic condition.
Sherwood continues to be terrorized with phone calls, an asthmatic condition making the unseen Lynch's voice all the more sinister.
The choice recently paid off when their 2-year-old daughter, Molly, suddenly developed an asthmatic condition.
Edmund's health was never particularly strong, and he suffered from 'paralytic and asthmatic' conditions.
Very professional, he often pushes himself hard at work even though he has an asthmatic condition.
Diamond died in his Manhattan home on January 18, 1997 of a heart attack, brought about by a lifelong asthmatic condition.
The resulting treatment for mycosis improved the patient's asthmatic condition.
He has an asthmatic condition for the first time ever.