The man froze as If he had glimpsed the Gorgon, an astonished smile on his face.
Khrest managed an astonished smile.
"Hello, Miss Taggart," he answered, with an astonished smile that held a touch of incredulous pleasure-and of wistfulness.
She gave me an astonished smile.
Despite the horrors of the day, Sulu thought he felt a small, astonished smile coming to his lips.
He was looking right at me, wearing the same goofy, astonished smile his avatar had flashed during his first call to my university office.
Her eyes widened and sparkled, and an astonished smile lit up her face.
It was Domberwicky, grinning with a foolish, astonished smile.
"Arthur never drank," she answered with a pleasant but astonished smile.
Even Jeh-Wu had a relieved and astonished smile on his iguanalike face.