People in Wuqiao today, young or old, often possess astonishing acrobatic ability.
She had the astonishing ability to do that to him, did his Wren.
According to tradition, he was a very smart boy with a great interest in arts and letters and an astonishing ability of memorizing.
Though her mind was damaged to the point where she could not relate to people at all, she had an astonishing ability for complex tasks.
Over the years, he had built up a collection of little white lies made possible because of his astonishing ability to adhere to timetables.
Their stories, like the victim's anonymity, were evidence of the astonishing ability of people to vanish in a crowded city.
The wine is ready to drink, but many Martini wines have an astonishing ability to age for many years.
During and after our marriage I discovered that he had an astonishing ability to ignore anything that distressed him.
If so, you possess an astonishing ability to dis-semble.
Bernstein's astonishing ability to convey the meaning of music through speech was among his main strengths.