His voice did not seem loud, but penetrated with astonishing clarity every corner of the hall.
Then with astonishing clarity I saw the embroidered baldaquin of the Master's bed, over my head.
Shown on a small screen placed on the set for "Children of the Sun," the film had an astonishing clarity.
All his senses were suddenly alert, and his perceptions had an astonishing clarity.
He shifts abruptly from an almost mystical stillness to tumult and back again with astonishing clarity.
A flock of birds flew beneath me, and I could see the details of their feathers with astonishing clarity.
Above them, the stars filled the cold night sky with astonishing clarity.
Second, in dim light, the screen shows the scene with astonishing clarity and brightness - more, in fact, than your eyes can see.
This is preposterous, a voice with astonishing clarity and power said.
Everything came back into her mind with astonishing clarity - even the dress she'd worn - a summer print of cornflowers!