They showed the city with astonishing detail.
What it does is present, in astonishing detail, a thorough and painfully honest portrait of a famous writer obsessed with his craft.
Over the next two decades, successive lawsuits brought against him would bring into the public domain the astonishing details of his spending.
They had a wide soundstage and reproduced music with astonishing detail and clarity.
The first part is easy: using a $700 digital camcorder, you can capture footage with astonishing detail, sharpness and color fidelity.
Then a trip to the Dominican Republic, where amber reveals astonishing details about life up to 150 million years ago.
She "examines in astonishing detail the ambivalent relationship between a brainy, overachieving black woman and other blacks."
They contained fresh and astonishing details of underground movements and midnight rendezvous.
They were sculpted in astonishing and frightening detail.