Scholars of that period, and of strategic warfare, will find this book brimful of astonishing insight.
With astonishing insight and breathtaking clarity, Deepak Chopra has here answered the only question that has ever really mattered.
Yes, they provided an astonishing insight into another world, but it did secretly leave me hankering for Jilly Cooper.
Niall was suddenly struck by an astonishing insight.
And the beginning of a knowledge; an astonishing insight.
As this thought came into his head, he was struck by a sudden astonishing insight: the recognition that he was free.
If we can keep track of our Russian 7-year-olds, their lives could provide astonishing insight into the future of the new commonwealth.
My own research fellows here have given me many a gift, many an astonishing insight, and I treasure that.
He felt as if he were balanced on the brink of an astonishing insight.
I'm not going to watch, the little girl said with astonishing insight, because I don't want you and Daddy to fight.