Since the start of the year, the index has risen by an astonishing 66.8 percent.
He is shooting an astonishing 70 percent from the field (42 of 60) in five games.
By last year, the average was $448 out of $596 - an astonishing 75 percent.
In 2000, the trade deficit grew an astonishing 40 percent, to $1 billion a day.
This is up an astonishing 181 percent from the previous year.
An astonishing 38 percent of the more than 8,000 kids in the city's shelter system have asthma.
The average fee at these funds last year was an astonishing 0.77 percent.
An astonishing 58 percent of the residents age 18 to 22 are enrolled in a university.
Indeed, the company has raised its book value an astonishing 25.5 percent in each of the last 10 years.
An astonishing 38 percent of all laws passed last year celebrated a day, week, month or decade.