Its astonishing new record of 1,362 performances was bested in 1892 by Charley's Aunt.
This astonishing record has never been broken by anyone since.
The larger question underlying "Lost Discoveries" is why this astonishing record of human achievement has been ignored or dismissed for so long.
This film is the astonishing record of how she has survived.
The Chicago Bulls have played so well, their astonishing record (54-6) almost looks like a typographical error.
"So when I look at where we have arrived from where started, it is an astonishing record," he said.
The seniors of 2008 finished with an astonishing 55-3 record with two state titles.
"This is an astonishing new record for a coin," he said.
Since then it has had nearly 50 professional performances, an astonishing record for a contemporary orchestral work.
The 1992-93 Maine team finished the season with an astonishing 42-1-2 record.