The most astonishing sequence showed Vampiroteuthis, the living fossil.
In an astonishing and funny pre-credit sequence, we see him delivering a wedding feast homily in which he recalls his years in jail and suggests that all countries and, indeed, all families are barriers to the true brotherhood of man.
These heterogeneous elements are blended with an elegant assurance that gives even the most astonishing sequences a natural air.
It was an astonishing sequence of dances in a setting that created a mood of intimacy.
In three astonishing long sequences here, she is taken under the wing of a movie star, disillusioned by a religious pilgrimage with carnival overtones and cruelly tricked by a hypnotist who exposes her once-secret dreams.
She described an astonishing sequence of events: a return to Earth using jury-rigged orbiters, which killed three of the seven crew members.
As for the Requiem, its "Tractus" is an astonishing sequence of typically ornate, winding duets.
Stellar Evolution (Lives of the Stars) - If we could watch for millions of years, we would witness the stars undergo an astonishing sequence of changes.
In an astonishing sequence after one character's death, he is represented for a number of pages by a series of empty black panels.
And in one astonishing sequence set aboard a plummeting jumbo jet, the player must indulge in a frenetic shoot-out as the craft's freefall creates a gravity-free battle zone.