Under the right con- ditions, the entire process could be astonishingly quick:
The market is astonishingly quick at responding to what consumers do (and incredibly slow at reacting to what we say).
That's an astonishingly quick leap to markets.
Since then, dismantlement decisions have come at an astonishingly quick pace, officials said.
Michael is astonishingly quick and astute, although he doesn't have his brother's awareness of the effect he has on others.
The total processing time takes an astonishingly quick two hours, producing an exceptionally fresh product.
Godzilla might have been huge, but he was astonishingly quick.
Either that or the Patrians pos- sessed astonishingly quick reactions, for they saw no accidents.
At 6-foot-3 and 243 pounds, he was not only imposing, but astonishingly quick and aggressive.
In court he was astonishingly quick in his responses.