Crisp was putting in an astounding performance.
Meryl Streep, as Inga Helms Weiss, gave an astounding performance.
Summary: Derek Jacobi's astounding performance as the painter Francis Bacon.
"It was an astounding performance, without being at all flashy," one of the state officials present said.
In the fourth quarter, the Titans would wrap up their astounding performance with Young finding tight end Bo Scaife on a 1-yard touchdown pass.
Roja Ramani debuted with an astounding performance for a four-year-old, in the role of Prahlada that captured many hearts.
He came to notice with an astounding performance in the 1970's as a child in a ballet choreographed by Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux.
Barry McGovern's astounding performance was not only the best of the festival, but also among the best I've ever seen.
Again, Surya's performance won positive reviews from critics with a reviewer describing it as "Surya deserves appreciation for his astounding performance.
After four Philadelphia goals cut the margin to 9-7 in the third period, Lemieux completed his astounding performance with an empty-net goal in the final minute.