All these notes refer specifically to "Electricity vs. Gas as General Illuminants," and cover an astounding range of inquiry and comment.
Despite this showcase of the astounding range of her voice, Bas Sheva never recorded again.
The system of carbon allotropes spans an astounding range of extremes, considering that they are all merely structural formations of the same element.
His receptive, anything-goes sensibility and constant movement among New York, India and Italy, have resulted in an astounding range of style, media and working processes.
Paper From Blue Jeans Mr. Howell made paper in an astounding range of weights, colors and textures.
Thanks to the luminous grisailles of these smaller works - especially the marble dust drawings - the gray of the exhibition's title comes in a rather astounding range of shades.
A great deal of the problem with public education today is the astounding range of academic, emotional and social needs that a single teacher in a single classroom is expected to meet.
Thousands of people flowed past about 400 tables where small companies and individuals offered an astounding range of products at bargain prices.
These reflections on art and philosophy demonstrate the astounding range of a British-born essayist, novelist and playwright.
CNN praised Kidman's "astounding range" and applauded the dialogue as "often sharp, scathingly witty, and displays a wry intelligence."