He thought about Melie, and the sway of a small Tree, the taste ofniwe in the dark, the astounding revelation, of Cardinality.
Until this was resolved Paoul could not decide how to deal with the astounding revelation that they were planning to prepare him for the highest office of the empire.
Suddenly, an astounding revelation coalesced in his mind, and everything became crystal clear: of course he could not see the ceiling; he was gazing at a cathedral's dome!
When Louis Agassiz (with some assistance, certainly) "discovered" the ice age, that astounding revelation propelled him into the first rank of science's heroes.
And with this astounding revelation it is no wonder that for Jews everywhere, as Isaiah predicted, "it will be sheer terror to understand what it means" (28:19b).
Jarre gasped, her breath completely taken away by this astounding revelation.
Later, a beautiful young woman holds the key to some astounding revelations.
Then came the astounding revelation.
That was an astounding revelation.
Mildred blinked, tried to adjust herself to this astounding revelation.