Because there is no astrological aspect with the Ascendant, the eighth house cannot "see" the Ascendant from its position.
Furthermore, the astrological aspects are used to determine the geometric/angular relationship(s) between the various celestial bodies and angles in the horoscope.
The dates and astrological aspects that have to be considered most convenient to invoke the angels are detailed but briefly.
Astrologers typically have different needs than astronomers, for example, the calculation of astrological aspects, and may produce ephemerides specialized to their own field.
In astrology, a sextile is an astrological aspect that is made when two planets or other celestial bodies are 60 degrees apart.
It deals in a most comprehensive and authoritative manner with almost all astrological aspects of human life.
The astrological aspects (such as conjunctions or oppositions, among others) are delineated in the center of the chart.
In real life events and culture, Pluto has been a major astrological aspect.
In astrology, a semi-square is an astrological aspect that two planets make when they are 45 apart from each other.
A yod is a rare astrological aspect involving any celestial body three (or more) plants or point.